Noteshub Modded version 📖 😍 Download Link (Google Drive):- Google Drive More download links at bottom. A lot of people were complaining about not being able to take screenshots in the app so we decided to act upon and solve the issue. Features of the modded version :- ◾️Screenshots enabled in pdf viewer ◾️Stability tweaks Upcoming update :- The upcoming version will have the ability to transfer the pdfs to external storage and more awesome stuff 🤩 So for more updates, and for mods of other apps as well, fasten your seat belts & stay tuned ✌🏻😌 We will be back! - H&M Mods 💀 ❌ Screenshots:- Screenshot Taken from modded app Download Links:- Link1 :- Gdrive Link2 :- NFile Link3 : Gdrive (2nd)